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Why Do Women Distinguish Colors Much Better Than Men?


January 26, 2023 by Aleksandra Łuczak

Author: Ahata Kandratsyeva

Scientists have found that depending on gender, a person can see colour more or less brightly.  For example, if the spouses look at the colour orange, it will seem redder to a man than to a woman. According to the researcher, Professor Israel Abramov, the difference in perception does not lie in the structure of the eye. The answer to this question lies in the activity of the brain.  Male and female brains process information received as a result of contemplation in different ways.
A study published in the Journal of Biology of Sex Differences also found that women have better hearing and a more developed sense of taste and smell, while men are better at discerning the fine details of moving objects – a trait that may have made our ancestors good hunters.

There are more interesting conclusions from the research:

• Men pay attention mainly to bright and pure colours, ignoring shades. Women, on the contrary, it is the shades that are more important and more interesting.
• Men prefer monochrome shades, black and shades of grey are attractive to them.  Women are more serious about the selection of colours and their compatibility and are more sensitive.
• Men see the world around them in warm colours.  In the grass for them lighter green and yellow, and in orange-red.
• Men much less than women attach importance to colour as a characteristic of a thing.  He is completely irrelevant to them.

This way, men really distinguish fewer shades than women. Not only these factors play a role in the difference in shades. Moreover, the difference in shades also has a linguistic context – for example, “green”, and its additional classification: emerald, olive, mint. But this is not a reason to be upset: in a healthy eye, each type of cone in isolation recognizes about 100 shades, which in total gives about a million distinguishable colours! 

What do you think is the research right? Or men can also be sensitive to colours and shades?  

Have your say!

#colors #colours #womenvsmen #eyesightside #gendereye  


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