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Corner Shops in Decline


July 26, 2010 by Aleksandra Łuczak

Around 4,000 small shops are set to shut their doors for the last time in 2010, as more and more discount stores extend their chains into ever small towns nationwide.

According to a report by the European Commission, tens of thousands of small shops have closed down in the whole EU in the past five years.

The loss of these local grocery stores means that some smaller towns and villages are often left without any sort of shop at all, a burden for the elderly and for those without a car.

 The European Commission believes that internet shopping is a way to combat the loss of local stores, although the older generation, which is most affected by the closures, may have problems doing their shopping on-line.

What are your shopping habits?

What is your experience with online shopping?

Have your say!



  1. Przemek S. says:

    I do not feel less amount of smaller shops, because I shopping in small shops only if I have to. I have bad experiences with small shops, prices are usually much higher than in discount stores, and service is unfair. Twice they have tried to cheat me. I prefer shopping in big discount stores. Online shopping is good idea, but only for things that do not require trying or perishable goods. For me it is impossible to buy clothes or food via internet.

  2. Bogusia says:

    I really don’t like discount stores. They are loud, crowded and even thinking about them makes me tired. I only shop there if I have to buy a lot of things at once – it really is cheaper and more convenient but for everyday shopping I prefer small stores. They are on my way home and I don’t waste my time: firstly for going to discount stores somewhere further, secondly for running around for an hour just to buy one bread, cheese and milk and eventually waiting for half an hour to buy these three things. When it comes to food I like to eat fresh vegetables and fruits – only at my local store I’m sure where they come from. In discount stores I have serious doubts when I see “fresh meat” with expiration date in four months. Sounds fishy.

    I discovered on-line shopping recently. First contact was when I could buy something with 60% discount (of course it was discount compared to price in “normal” store not a bargain) and second when I could order something with a great design (not available in shops). I plan to use this type of shopping more frequently.

  3. peterpan says:

    I am used to buy quite a lot through the internet shops, but not grocery items. The thing is that small stores now are transformated into huge supermarkets and department stores, which is cool cause I can buy almost everything I need in one trip and the prices are often lower compering to small shops, but quality of the wegetables is low.

    I am not convinced that online shopping will be a substitute to grocery stores maybe in the future, cause most of the people like to shop and pick products on their own. It is good solution for businessmen and overworked people without free time.

  4. hryniu says:

    I’m going to support my local shops as much as I can. It doesn’t open on Sundays. It doesn’t have sales and won’t match prices. It doesn’t have home delivery even free car-parking. But I know the owners and I know where food come from. Bogusia wrote: “They are loud, crowded and even thinking about them makes me tired.” It’s exactly what I’m thinking about big stores!

  5. Ola CE says:

    I very like internet shopping but I can not buy any part of clothing instead shoes. I just have to feel good in something that I am supposed to be wearing after shopping. I have to think many times before i decide to spend money on something. Also i have to admit that the internet shopping was a blessing for me during removal. I bought almost every part of home equipment online! Fridge, dishwasher, washing mashine i bought everything like this via internet. Also when I find something useless i try to sell it on the auction portals.

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