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G7: There’s Only One Drama King


June 20, 2018 by Aleksandra Łuczak

The G7 summit has just ended. As politics doesn’t float everyone’s boat it should be added that every year the leaders of the world’s most powerful countries muster to discuss collaboration on solving the most pressing problems. Meeting convened in accordance with all the principles of diplomatic protocol, enriched by positive attitude is concluded by issuing a statement detailing the policy positions and initiatives. This year G7 was held in La Malbaie, Quebec and wouldn’t hit the headlines but for Donald Trump.

Every time president Trump logs in to Tweeter there’s a fat chance of making the Internet a better place. There will be a moment for #AmericaFirst and #fakenews, so let’s start with #loyalty.

On the second day of the summit, we heard POTUS talking about peace in the world. It wouldn’t be anything special if it wasn’t mentioned in context of bringing Russia back in. It seems that this subject was one of the biggest elephants in the room- as after Crimea annexation Russia was booted out of the G8 and there’s a lot of political game going on. Trump appeared to defend Putin’s explanations, moreover declared that he could ask Russia’s President to withdraw from Crimea if his country was readmitted to G7. But my favourite part is that POTUS reportedly told he believed Crimea was a part of Russia, because people there speak Russian. Memorable quote in light of he’s attitude towards Mexico and the fact that in the USA Spanish-speaking population is over 45 million people.

“We’re like the piggy bank that everybody is robbing… It’s going to stop now or we’ll stop trading with them.” As promised, here’s the #AmericaFirst part. Donald Trump blamed his predecessors for the unfair trade deals and imposed of sweeping tariffs on foreign steel and aluminium, what hits exports from every other member of the G7. “G6” are threatening retaliatory measures and the situation may lead to a trade war and nowadays is broadly discussed. Hours after the official joint communique was released Trump shattered the consensus by accusing Canada’s PM of false statements during his news conference and some dire consequences to come.  The latest move is the 25% impose tariffs on Chinese goods, what according to POTUS is “essential to preventing further unfair transfers of American technology and intellectual property to China, which will protect American jobs.”

Specialists admit that money makes the world of politics go round and controversy begins a discussion but as a layperson I have an unsettled feeling that Donald Trump’s blow-up accelerates only global instability.

Do you believe that politics of ‘closing up country’ and making it great again is a better solution than development of union and partnership? Is this global trend of selfish politics the reasonable one? Have your say!

PS: For those who haven’t seen it yet I definitely recommend Andy Serkis reading Trump’s tweets. It helps not going off handle every time you scroll the news


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